Rendering an empty string
enum tpl = ""; struct Controller {} render(tpl, Controller()).should.equal("");
Rendering an empty string at ctfe
enum tpl = ""; struct Controller {} render!(tpl)(Controller()).should.equal("");
Rendering a string value
enum tpl = "{{value}}"; struct Controller { string value; } render(tpl, Controller("2")).should.equal("2");
Rendering a string value at ctfe
enum tpl = "{{value}}"; struct Controller { string value; } render!(tpl)(Controller("2")).should.equal("2");
Rendering a string property
enum tpl = "{{value}}"; struct Controller { string value() { return "3"; } } render(tpl, Controller()).should.equal("3");
Rendering a string property at ctfe
enum tpl = "{{value}}"; struct Controller { string value() { return "3"; } } render!(tpl)(Controller()).should.equal("3");
Rendering a string property
enum tpl = "{{value}}"; struct Controller { string value() { return "3"; } } render(tpl, Controller()).should.equal("3");
Rendering a string property at ctfe
enum tpl = "{{value}}"; struct Controller { string value() { return "3"; } } render!(tpl)(Controller()).should.equal("3");
Rendering a numeric property
enum tpl = "{{value}}"; struct Controller { int value() { return 3; } } render(tpl, Controller()).should.equal("3");
Rendering a numeric property at ctfe
enum tpl = "{{value}}"; struct Controller { int value() { return 3; } } render!(tpl)(Controller()).should.equal("3");
Rendering a numeric struct subproperty
enum tpl = "{{child.value}}"; struct Child { int value = 3; } struct Controller { Child child() { return Child(); } } render(tpl, Controller()).should.equal("3");
Rendering a numeric struct subproperty at ctfe
enum tpl = "{{child.value}}"; struct Child { int value = 3; } struct Controller { Child child() { return Child(); } } render!(tpl)(Controller()).should.equal("3");
Rendering a numeric class subproperty
enum tpl = "{{child.value}}"; class Child { int value = 3; } struct Controller { Child child() { return new Child(); } } render(tpl, Controller()).should.equal("3");
Rendering a numeric class subproperty
enum tpl = "{{child.value}}"; class Child { int value = 3; } struct Controller { Child child() { return new Child(); } } render(tpl, Controller()).should.equal("3");
Rendering a numeric class member
enum tpl = "{{child.value}}"; class Child { int value = 3; } struct Controller { Child child; } render(tpl, Controller( new Child() )).should.equal("3");
Rendering a numeric struct member
enum tpl = "{{child.value}}"; struct Child { int value = 3; } struct Controller { Child child; } render(tpl, Controller()).should.equal("3");
Rendering a string property from a class controller
enum tpl = "{{value}}"; class Controller { string value() { return "3"; } } render(tpl, new Controller()).should.equal("3");
it should not render a string method with parameters as value
enum tpl = "{{value}}"; class Controller { string value(string param) { return param; } } render(tpl, new Controller()) .should .throwException!RenderException .withMessage .equal("`Controller.value` can not be rendered as a value. Did you forget the template parameters?");
Rendering a string property from a class controller with plain values
enum tpl = "a {{value}} b {{value}} c"; class Controller { string value() { return "3"; } } auto result = render(tpl, new Controller()); result.should.equal("a 3 b 3 c");
Rendering a helper with string param
enum tpl = `{{helper "value"}}`; struct Controller { string helper(string value) { return value; } } render!(tpl)(Controller()).should.equal("value");
Rendering a helper with int param
enum tpl = `{{helper 5}}`; struct Controller { int helper(int value) { return value; } } render!(tpl)(Controller()).should.equal("5");
Rendering a nested helper with int param
enum tpl = `{{child.helper 5}}`; struct Child { int helper(int value) { return value; } } struct Controller { Child child; } render!(tpl)(Controller()).should.equal("5");
Rendering a helper with property value
enum tpl = `{{helper value}}`; struct Controller { int helper(int value) { return value; } int value = 12; } render!(tpl)(Controller()).should.equal("12");
Rendering a helper with computed value
enum tpl = `{{helper value}}`; struct Controller { int helper(int value) { return value; } int value() { return 8; } } render!(tpl)(Controller()).should.equal("8");
Rendering a nested helper with bool param
enum tpl = `{{child.helper 5 true "test"}}`; struct Child { string helper(int number, bool value, string str) { return!string ~ " " ~!string ~ " " ~ str; } } struct Controller { Child child; string value; } render!(tpl)(Controller()).should.equal("5 true test");
Rendering undefined helpers should throw an exception
enum tpl1 = `{{helper 5 true "test"}}`; enum tpl2 = `{{child.other 5 true "test"}}`; enum tpl3 = `{{value 5 true "test"}}`; enum tpl4 = `{{child.value 5 true "test"}}`; struct Child { string helper(int number, bool value, string str) { return!string ~ " " ~!string ~ " " ~ str; } string value; } struct Controller { Child child; } render(tpl1, Controller()) .should .throwException!RenderHelperException .withMessage .equal("`helper` can not be rendered becaues it is not defined."); render(tpl2, Controller()) .should .throwException!RenderHelperException .withMessage .equal("`child.other` can not be rendered becaues it is not defined."); render(tpl3, Controller()) .should .throwException!RenderHelperException .withMessage .equal("`value` can not be rendered becaues it is not defined."); render(tpl4, Controller()) .should .throwException!RenderHelperException .withMessage .equal("The helpers must be inside a struct or a class.");
Render a template at ctfe